Liquorice - Does Liquorice in MetaBuz™ Cause High Blood Pressure
| 2 December 2022This is a medical issue and we will not provide any advice on these matters to individuals. Please consult your doctor.
Generally speaking, I take the liberty of cut and paste from Wikipedia:
"Toxicity. The United States Food and Drug Administration believes that foods containing liquorice and its derivatives (including glycyrrhizin) are safe if not consumed excessively. Other jurisdictions have suggested no more than 100 mg to 200 mg of glycyrrhizin per day, the equivalent of about 70 to 150 g (2.5 to 5.3 oz) of liquorice.[8]"
At the time of writing this FAQ 17/4/17: Liquorice in MetaBuz™ is a minor ingredient. It is nowhere near the above-mentioned levels. We have had no adverse reports.
Please ask your doctor about the suitability and safety of any food for your own particular circumstances.